The second-league team promotes its own young talent

The second-league team promotes its own young talent

The school SAG tournament kicked off at the coburg angerhalle. At the same time the 5. Until 7. Classes of the partner schools of the HSC 2000 coburg in the spotlight. The tournaments of the elementary school will be held in january of this year.
At 8 a.M., the teams of the alexandrinum and ernestinum high schools and the heinrich-schaumberger school were already full of energy in front of the doors of the angerhalle. The sporting activity compared to the daily school routine was obviously a welcome change for the students, who were all looking forward to a sporting highlight at the end of the year.
After each participant of the tournament received a t-shirt, which was made possible by the support of the VR-bank coburg, it went already on the playing field. There, HSC youth coordinator martin rohrig was waiting to open the tournament. He then also took over the joint auarmen, before the first meetings took place.
The tournament was played in a simplified form of handball called "power handball" is called. Four teams compete against each other in a rotating rhythm and try to score a point with the help of a bouncer against the wall of the hall.
Once this is done, it will be changed with the already waiting team. It also happened that they had to play against each other within a class, as each school had several teams. For a change, during the breaks in the game there was the opportunity to go through a sensory course on the subject of nutrition. This was provided and supervised by the AOK coburg.
The focus of the tournament was the spab and the opportunity to compete with other schools and school. The things learned in the weekly SAG units were put into practice.
In total, the 1. School-SAG-tournament very well received by the participants, which is a good basis for a renewed execution. The event was a complete success for the HSC 2000 coburg and the participating schools, which can increase the attractiveness of their school profile through this cooperation.
Some young people play with the idea to deal more with the subject of handball, so that, for example, on the same evening, the first training visit of an "alex"-schoolmaster took place. 

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